Thursday 20 June 2013

Never give up

Never give up (translation)
By: sonar pocket

What tough heart!
Once I decided that I’d keep up the fight, my road has never stopped unraveling
Carrying a small bit of pride with my fists clenched,
I aim for the goal again step by step, racing towards it with all my might!
Sometimes it’ll be a bad day where nothing goes the way I want it to
But even if the sky blurs through my tears,
I’m sure my smiles will come back tomorrow, so it’s okay!
There’s nothing out there to fear
I’ll keep believing that “I’m strong” and get going!
“With you around, there’s nothing to worry about now”

I felt as if the sky was saying that to me with a laugh
With the sweat and tears I build up, I’m sure I’ll come out dazzling
Even if I end up feeling anxious after it all,
As long as I believe I can do it
These footsteps have taught me to, always, Never Give Up!

“I’m always comparing myself to someone else…”
Even though I know that it’s okay to be me
I put the blame on others, avoiding the issue, and I just can’t forgive that about myself
I run into walls blocking my path and can’t figure things out on my own
But despite the hard times, I had friends who stuck by me and gave me their support
Because they laughed and cried with me
They’re irreplaceable to me, giving me invisible strength and courage, pushing me forward!
There’s nothing out there to fear
Because we’re friends, we’ll go together
“With you around, there’s nothing to worry about now”

I felt as if the sky was saying that to me with a laugh
With the sweat and tears I build up, I’m sure I’ll come out dazzling
Even if I end up feeling anxious after it all,
As long as I believe I can do it
These footsteps have taught me to, always, Never Give Up!

If now is the time to hold out, then don’t wait around; take a stand!
Wrap your heart around your head like a headband, and clench your teeth inside your heart
Once you do that, then surely you’ll take a one step lead, be a single hero
If you justify the situation saying “There’s no helping it” then give that naive self of yours a kick in the rear

Don’t be scared, light a fire underneath your timidity! You’ve gotta move! Step it up and put an end to this farce, don’t just stand there, but Restart all over again!

Keep On, always with a smile, Zone Here We Go Now!
You’re never alone, don’t ever give up, look up at the sky and raise your fist into the air
“With you around, there’s nothing to worry about now”

I felt as if the sky was saying that to me with a laugh
With the sweat and tears I build up, I’m sure I’ll come out dazzling
Even if I end up feeling anxious after it all,
As long as I believe I can do it
These footsteps have taught me to, always, Never Give Up!

#edisi ga menentu penelitian gagal terus, padahal dah pengen pulang, ga ngerti harus gimana..Except to restart all over again, even if I end up feeling anxious, with the sweat and tears I build up, I'm sure I'll come out dazzling, as long as I believe I can do it, Never Give Up!!!!!!!!!#

Monday 17 June 2013

its so jet-lagged

So jet-lagged

What time is it where you are?
I miss you more than anything
And back at home you feel so far
Waitin' for the phone to ring
It's gettin’ lonely livin’ upside down
I don't even wanna be in this town
Tryin' to figure out the time zones makin' me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
And it's driving me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged

What time is it where you are?
Five more days and I'll be home
I keep your picture in my car
I hate the thought of you alone
I've been keepin' busy all the time
Just to try to keep you off my mind
Tryin' to figure out the time zones makin’ me crazy

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
And it's drivin' me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet lagged

I miss you so bad [x5]
I wanna share your horizon
I miss you so bad
And see the same sun rising
I miss you so bad
And turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me.

You say good morning
When it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
And it's drivin' me mad
I miss when you say good morning
But it's midnight
Going out of my head
Alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
And it's drivin' me mad
I miss you so bad
And my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged
Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Liat foto foto riska yang d upload d fesbuknya ngiri berat ;p bukan soal makanannya, tapi lebih ke hang out bareng temen. Yah ima merindukan ketawa bareng temen cewek sambil makan, ketawa, curhat, lakukan hal yg imajinasinya tingkat tinggi he he kangen ngetawain cerita temen yg melakukan hal bodoh, ngecengen temen yg lagi deg deg ser sama seseorang (karena temen-temen ima belum semuanya berkeluarga), plus mungkin klo sekarang ditambah ngomongin soal anak kali ya hehe

Aaah I feeling so lonely... semenjak ima menikah emang jarang banget hang out bareng temen-temen. Yah secara abis nikah juga ga lama langsung diboyong ke mari, yang nota bene my best friend yah my husband hehe meski kadang ada perasaan bosen yah, maennya cuman sama si suami doank. Makanya klo ada acara ngumpul-ngumpul bareng orang indonseia terutama, semangat banget dah. bukan hanya saja perut yang kenyang tapi kita juga bisa curhat dan ngobrolin apa aja dari yang penting ampe yang engga penting. Tapi yah tetep aja karena waktu terbatas and kayaknya cuman sebulan sekali kita ketemuan, plus sekarang ima ga punya kesibukan ngurus anak-anak plus abinya anak-anak, bikin berasa banget sendiriannya.

Mungkin ga sedikit yang ngomong, yaud make friend sama anak-anak kampus dong ya, khususon anak-anak se-lab yang setiap hari ketemu. Tetep aja susah, lah ngomong aja udah pake mikir ;p ditambah karena beda background juga bikin ima kudu hati-hati dalam berbicara, seperti contoh; maksud ima becanda ngambek-ngambekan tapi kemudian end up tu anak minta maaf seharian hiksss Belom lagi GAP GENERASI #hikss tambah sedih, kayaknya udah ga nyambung lah yah klo mereka disuruh berempati tentang bagaimana mendidik anak jarak jauuh #nah loh berat banget yah tema nya hehehe plus males aja gitu klo denger cerita mereka yang masih berharap ala fairy tale dimana klo menikah itu happily ever after #hey wake up girl, it just begining!!! Oleh karena itu, saya memilih untuk perhatian sama laptop daripada ngobrol ama mereka dan kemudian berakhir salah paham, ga enak hati dan situasi awkward lainnya.

Dan entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini ima merasakan sulit untuk menuliskan alur apa yang ima pikirkan, ato apa yang ima rasakan, pokoknya semuanya absurd. hingga kemudian perasaan kesepian pun menyerang bertubi-tubi. Emang sih kalo sama orang rumah bisa telepon kapan aja, online kapan aja, tapi tetep aja ada barier. dunia maya emang ga bisa gantiin dunia nyata ;p

ps: hai suami, aku kangen padamu. kenapa intensitas ngobrol kita akhir-akhir ini menurun drastis ya? #LDR oh LDR ;p